Marcelle Hanselaar 'The Untamed One, Jezebel'

Marcelle Hanselaar 'The Untamed One, Jezebel'


Artist : Marcelle Hanselaar
Title : The Untamed One, Jezebel
Medium : etching / aquatint, ed 30
Dimensions : 38 x 43 cm, plate size 20 x 25 cm


Jezebel is one of the most intriguing women in the Scriptures, a bloodstained yet strong-willed, politically astute, and courageous woman. A Phoenician princess who worships Baal, the pagan god of fertility, Jezebel marries King Ahab of Israel. She persuades him to tolerate her alien faith, then becomes entwined in the vicious religious conflict that ends in her death.When she hears her fate is sealed, Jezebel calmly and courageously prepares herself for the inevitable. While a blood-soaked military commander  gallops to her home she paints her eyes with kohl, dresses her hair, and awaits his arrival in an upper window of the palace. On arrival he orders her eunuchs to toss her out of the window and let the dogs in the courtyard tear her apart and devour her body.

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