Tim Shaw’s 'The Burning of Lifting the Curse Takes Place'

Following Tim Shaw’s extraordinary solo exhibition 'Fág an Bealach (Clear the Way)’ at Anima Mundi a ceremony took place where the votive sculptural installation ‘Lifting the Curse’ was set aflame and its burnt entrails taken to the river and washed away, transmuting negative in to positive energy.

The event began as the sun began to set on 9th April, where 'Lifting the Curse' was burnt in a field where two ley lines cross. A Pillar Man incantated while showering the form, first with water, then with fire, to transform dark accumulated forces that effect the world right now. As fire consumed the figure, Groung was sung for all those who flee tyranny and war.

As the flames died, summoned by an 'Obby 'Oss, Tease and drums, a procession filed down to the river by torchlight. A smoky haze mingled with the damp headiness of bluebells and garlic, as ashes were ceremoniously thrown to the air, water, and earth.

Works associated with this project will be shown at the Royal Academy as part of this years Summer Exhibition.

(photography courtesy of Steve Tanner)

For further information on Tim Shaw's 'Fág an Bealach (Clear the Way)’ click here

For further information on Tim Shaw click here