Paul Benney Interview With The Colnaghi Foundation

In this interview from the Colnaghi Foundation, Paul Benney whose works are displayed in private and public collections around the world including the Metropolitan Museum in New York, National Gallery of Australia and National Portrait Gallery in London, talks to Dr Nicola Jennings, about his interest in light and levitation, and about the inspiration he finds in artists such as Goya, Caravaggio and Zurbarán.

The Colnaghi Foundation’s aim is to foster appreciation, enjoyment and study of pre-twentieth-century artworks and antiquities in the Western European tradition. By using an on-line platform to disseminate new research, exhibitions and learning experiences, they bring together scholars, institutions, artists and collectors, to reach out to a wider audience through web-based public engagement initiatives. 

For further information on Paul Benney click here

For further information on the Colnaghi Foundation click here